Already Living Together


If your name doesn’t appear on the Title Deeds, you may have a financial interest in a property if:

a) you have contributed towards the property in some way; or
b) you and the owner of the property have children together; or
c) you have been promised an interest in the property by the owner; or
d) you have an express declaration or agreement; or
e) you are married to or in a civil partnership with the owner of the property

Should your relationship breakdown, Welford Chambers LLC can advise you upon your rights in respect of your home including your rights to live there and whether you have any financial claims against the property.

Even if you do not have any financial claims against the property, you may be able to make financial claims on behalf of the children of your relationship.  Under the Children Act 1989, the Court has the power to transfer a property from the name of one parent to the name of the parent who is to provide a home for their children.  Alternatively, the Court can order one parent to pay the other a lump sum to enable a home to be bought for the children.  The Court also has the power to make other financial settlements on behalf of children.

If you have children, we can also advise you upon Parental Responsibility, the future living arrangements for your children and arrangements for contact between the children and the non-resident parent (known as Child Arrangement Orders).

Disputes can be settled by negotiation or mediation.  If necessary, Court proceedings can be issued and pursued expeditiously.